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Vehicle Scrappage Policy

India’s Vehicle Scrappage Policy, which came into effect in April 2022, represents a government-funded initiative with the primary goal of phasing out aged passenger and commercial vehicles. The overarching objectives include reducing urban air pollution, enhancing passenger and road safety, and boosting vehicle sales within the

Risk to drive old vehicle

While owning an older vehicle can be cost-effective in terms of initial purchase price, maintenance, and insurance, there are certain risks associated with driving an older vehicle. It’s essential for vehicle owners to be aware of these risks to make informed decisions about the safety and

Benefit of vehicle recycling

Vehicle recycling offers a multitude of benefits, encompassing economic, environmental, and societal advantages. Here are some key benefits: In summary, vehicle recycling is a holistic approach that not only addresses the environmental challenges associated with end-of-life vehicles but also brings about positive economic and societal changes.

Vehicle Recycling in India

Introduction: India’s rapid urbanization has led to a surge in vehicular ownership, necessitating a closer look at the environmental impact of end-of-life vehicles. Vehicle recycling emerges as a crucial solution, offering economic benefits and environmental conservation. Importance of Vehicle Recycling: Regulatory Landscape: Challenges and Future Prospects:

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